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Symphony of Life

Our vision at Symphony of Life is a thriving, inclusive, diverse, and multifaith spiritual community in service to the awakening and unfolding of Individual Consciousness, planetary transformation, and the Realization of Unconditional Love as Divine Consciousness here and now. We live as Love.

Mission: Our mission is to Inspire, Awaken, and Transform our lives and our planet into their highest expression, embracing all paths and all lifestyles with which we carry a common groundedness in the universal consciousness of Unconditional Love. We promote the blossoming of personal magnificence, which is our Divine Nature, through the energy of Unconditional Love. We do this through the application and embodiment of the spiritual principles of Ancient Wisdom/New Thought and the realization of Truth within our own lives, and through the daily sacred practices of prayer, visioning, contemplation, meditation, education, non-violence, and service.

Purpose: Our purpose is to Reveal the fundamental nature of All as spiritual, awakened to its essential wholeness through the energy of Unconditional Love.